He'eia Elementary School
Second Grade
Welcome to Second Grade!
Aloha! Welcome to the 2021-22 school year at He`eia Elementary! We look forward to spending the year getting to know all of our students. Your child’s health, safety, and well-being is of utmost importance to us. Please see below for activities, reminders, and announcements. For tutorials, "How To" videos, and helpful links, feel free to use the "Help Desk" tab.
Our Classes
Mrs. Kam C-107
Mrs. Erikson C-108
Mrs. Murakami C-109
Mrs. Rawlins B-106
Updates & Announcements
February 14 - Waiver Day
(No Students)
February 21 - Presidents' Day
February 25 - 2nd Grade Rotation
March 10 - 2nd Grade Rotation
March 11 - Last Day of 3rd Quarter
March 14 - 18 - Spring Break
Here your child is able to access all Wonders material.
We would love to stay in touch with your family to update you on your child's progress. Please join CLASSTAG, our school-wide messaging service. www.classtag.com
We will be using Seesaw for assignments and links to activities. Please have your child login.
We will be using Webex for the videoconferencing platform. Please log in at least 5 minutes before the session begins.
This is the platform your child may log into to access iReady lessons for math and reading.
This is the platform your child may log into to practice thousands of math and language arts skills at school, at home, and on the go!
Google Classroom
This is the platform your child may log into to access some of their work. We will be using docs and slides in the first portion of the year.